Very Good Recipes - Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails

The best Very Good Recipes of Food from Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails

There are 10 Food recipes on the blog Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails. (5322 on all the blogs)

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Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails

Michele Hays believes that any dish, even one that’s strange to you, communicates the care of the farmer, forager, market and cook who brought it to your plate. At her blog, Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails, she puts on her explorer hat, rolls up her sleeves (and sometimes the sleeves of innocent bystanders) and shares her adventures in cooking, eating, and understanding our relationship to food. Michele also offers in-home cooking classes and parties for the culinarily challenged in the Chicago North Shore area.

Blog: Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails

Recipes from Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails


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