Very Good Recipes - Slutty Kitchen

Very Good Recipes of Oyster from Slutty Kitchen

There is one Oyster recipe on the blog Slutty Kitchen. (190 on all the blogs)

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Slutty Kitchen

Why Slutty? Because it's the best way to describe food that's gratuitous in butter, cheese, bacon, alcohol, sugar, spice and any other element that makes you hungrily lust after it. When someone describes it, your mouth waters. When you see it, your stomach growls. When you eat it, you are in ecstasy. Some would just call it sexy, but I don't think that's going far enough. This is not Tuesday night food made in 30 minutes or less that your kids will like. This food is made without regard to health, speed or reason. I don't bake, because I don't like to measure and/or follow directions. So you won't find any cutesy cupcakes here. I think vegetarians can't be trusted and vegans are just shy of the hezbollah. You'll definitely get your fill of meaty madness, fatty fantasies and sublime salt. And foie gras? My favorite ingredient.

Blog: Slutty Kitchen


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