Very Good Recipes - Be My Valentine Challenge

Be My Valentine recipe challenge

Please enjoy and share! :-)

Welcome to the 3rd recipe challenge organized on Very Good Recipes!

The theme for this challenge has been selected by 10 food bloggers who have kindly accepted to be the judges for the challenge. Each judge is also presenting his or her own recipe of the theme they selected. The judges will select the winners at the end of the challenge (and of course they cannot win).

The Judges

The judges for this month are:

Thanks a lot to the food bloggers who volunteered to become judges! The judges change every month, so there will be an opportunity to be a judge for all the bloggers who want it. Please e-mail me if you would like to become a judge for an upcoming challenge.


This month theme is: Be My Valentine.

There are many ways to express your love to your loved ones, and cooking is definitively one of them!

Valentine's Day is on February 14th, but you have almost all month (until February 27th) to participate in the Be My Valentine challenge. To make it more of a challenge, the judges added an extra rule: your dish needs to include something Red, the color of Love!


The challenge is open to everyone, whether you have a food blog or not.

In order to participate, you need to enter a recipe on the theme "Be My Valentine", with something Red in your dish.


You can participate from Friday February 3rd 2012 until Monday February 27th 2012 included.


The judges will select the winning recipes.

1st place

For this challenge, I wanted to offer something truly special and unique, something that would be tailor made for the winner. So I asked Poppy who is both a talented food blogger and a professional illustrator to draw an illustration for the winner. Once the results are known, Poppy will draw a surprise illustration inspired by the winning recipe and/or the winner's blog.

Here are some sample illustrations from Poppy. The winner will receive a similar one, made just for her or him!

Can you guess what the man and woman are thinking in the last drawing? (answer a bit below! :-)

Laurels and badge

All the participants will receive a badge with laurels that will be displayed on Very Good Recipes (on their page and in the huge list of food blogs). You can also display it on your blog or your challenge recipe if you want to.

Feel free to add the badge to your recipe (HTML code below):

<div style="text-align:center;">
<img src="" width="90" height="120" />
<a href="">Be My Valentine Challenge</a><br />
on <a href="">Very Good Recipes</a>

Winners will get gold, silver and bronze laurels.

If your recipe is heart-shaped, you can also participate in the Valentine Hearts project until February 14th!


In the last illustration, he is thinking "She's so beautiful!" and she is thinking "My cake is so beautiful!". :-)

Have fun!

Thanks a lot to the judges for making this challenge possible!

I hope you will enjoy the challenge and that many of you will participate! Have fun!


Thanks a lot for submitting so many wonderful Valentine recipes!

The judges have chosen the Chocolate Brownie Cream Cheese Sandwich from Rosh of Chef Al Dente. Congratulations Rosh!

Valentine's Special: Chocolate Brownie Cream Cheese Sandwich
Valentine's Special: Chocolate Brownie Cream Cheese Sandwich
By Chef Al dente

I would also like to mention the runner-ups:

Blancmange with strawberries
Blancmange with strawberries
By Bake-a-mania
Pomegranate cranberry hearts
Pomegranate cranberry hearts
By spabettie
Cuore di formaggio salato - Savory heart cheese
Cuore di formaggio salato - Savory heart cheese

Thank you everyone! You can now participate in the March recipe challenge, the Saint-Patrick's Day Recipe Challenge.

There are 58 Be My Valentine Challenge recipes on Very Good Recipes.

Click on the title of a recipe or the photo of a dish to read the full recipe on its author's blog.

Be my valentine challenge recipes

What kind of be my valentine challenge recipes would you like? Pick a dish or an ingredient to refine the selection.


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