Thinly-sliced chicken breast dusted with Cajun seasoning combines with green onion, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, Parmesan, and heavy cream to create this flavorful Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta. Loaded with fabulous flavor, easy to make, and taking all of about...
Our family is obsessed with stuffed peppers and we do several fillings this Cajun-seasoned stuffing is one of our all-time favorites! These are a bit on the spicy Cajun-style stuffed bell pepper recipe, however can be totally adjusted to your taste buds...
Fas Kitchen Some nights, I just need dinner to cook itself. You know what I mean? Between school drop-offs, meltdowns over lost shoes, and my youngest deciding she only eats food shaped like dinosaurs, I don’t always have time to stand over the stove. That’s...
This Cajun Macaroni and Cheese is a hearty dish your family will love. Versatile too! If you love Cajun style dishes you may want to try this Cajun Cabbage Sausage dish! It’s one of our favorites and great for a busy night. ❤️WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE Cajun...
If you like hearty meat dishes but haven’t tried Cajun food yet, what are you doing? Cajun cuisine is native to the Southern US, particularly Louisiana. It’s strongly focused on smoky, heavily spiced meats, rice, and seafood. This cuisine is steeped in...