Very Good Recipes - Chestnut

The best Very Good Recipes of Chestnut and Water Chestnut

There are 35 Chestnut and Water Chestnut recipes on Very Good Recipes.

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  • Broccoli Beef with Water Chestnuts and Jasmine Rice -

    FarmgirlGourmet  06/13/11  16:56
    Yesterday we went out for a family hike at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. On our way back to the car we ran into the Henry family. They were past clients of mine when I used to practice Real Estate. We were doing a little catching up when Mr. Henry...
  • Water Chestnut Cake 马蹄糕 -

    Anncoo Journal  05/29/17  07:51
    Preparation: 15 min - Cooking: 25 min Water Chestnut Cake is one of the popular cakes made during Chinese New Year in Hong Kong and it’s also available in the Guangzhou Chinese dim sum restaurants all year round (too bad this delicious water chestnut cake is not available in most of our local...
  • Water chestnut dip -

    The Southern Lady Cooks  01/05/14  07:29
    This is a great dip to serve anytime. I have been making this recipe since the eighties. I submitted it to Southern Living and it is printed in their 1986 Annual Recipes Cookbook. My entire family loves this dip. It would be great for a Super Bowl Party....
  • Water Chestnut Pear Soup -

    Authentic chinese food recipes  12/16/14  03:45
    Water Chestnut Pear Soup is a post from: Yzenith Chinese food Recipes Water Chestnut Pear Soup is a post from: Yzenith Chinese food Recipes Water Chestnut Pear Soup water chestnut pear soup is classic Chinese soup, which can reduce the cough, i do drink...
  • Singoda ni kheer – Water chestnut flour payasam – fasting food, Shravan maas special recipe -

    Gujarati zaika  08/20/13  15:55
    Ingredients: 2 tbsp singoda flour (Water chestnut flour) 1 ½ cup milk 2 tbsp sugar Pinch of nutmeg powder Almond slices for garnishing Method: Boil milk in a heavy bottomed pan, add singoda flour (Water chestnut flour) and sugar mix it well, taking care...
  • Mung beans with water chestnuts desse -

    Kimmy at Cooking Pleasure  03/16/17  02:00
    This is actually Lek Tao Suan [Split Mung Bean Sweet Dessert] with a twist by adding water chestnuts. There was another dessert with Dumplings with Split Mung beans which I have shared some time ago. The preparations are quite simple and done separately...
  • Water Chestnut Sweet Soup ~ 馬蹄羹 -

    No-Frills Recipes  05/11/15  06:32
    'Ma Tai Kang' in Cantonese or Water Chestnut Sweet Soup is one of my favourite dessert and I never fail to order this whenever I dine out. This goes very well with Shanghai pancakes but is equally refreshing consuming it on its own. Water Chestnut is not...
  • Retired no one told me and Orienthailiving weekly roundup…Pomegranates, Pancakes and Water Chestnuts -

    Retired! No One Told Me!  02/15/18  00:00
    Hello and welcome to the weekly roundup of all my posts… Starting with the beautiful vibrant red arils of the jewel-like fruits of the Pomegranate…and the easiest, cleanest way to deseed the Pomegranate, Isn’t it always easier when you know how?
  • Vega burger with mushrooms and water chestnuts -

    SimonesKitchen  03/05/17  18:56
    Tofu When I was younger (as in a lot younger) I ate vegetarian for a while. I was beginning twenties and decided to stop eating meat and fish. At that time vegetarian was still a bit of an odd thing. You didn’t have all the options you have today and to...
  • Water Chestnut Sweet Soup -

    BeautyMe Love Recipes  06/26/17  14:34
    I came across this dessert from Anncoo which is so easy to make and a cooling dessert as well. It's nice to consume either hot or cold. The crunchiness from the water chestnut and natural sweetness makes this a perfect dessert to cook anytime. Recipe with...
  • Buttery pan fry water chestnut -

    Hema's Musings  10/13/13  14:06
    सिघाड़े हमेशा बचपन की याद दिला देते हैं , सिघाड़े बेचने वाला सड़क के किनारे लेकर बैठे रहते थे और हम भाई -बहन लाकर खाया करते थे ,बचपन में हम सिघाड़े गुड़ या हरी चटनी के साथ खाया करते थे . आज मैने सिघाड़े अलग तरह से बनाये है .पेश है buttery pan fry water...

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